Cut Cut Name Station Listen
1 Sound of the City WFUN
2 Short ID 6KYNA
3 Nutty Sig KAYC
3A Nutty Sig (Regular speed) WLOB
4 Salute KDSX
5 Scat Sig WTUF
6 Tango KELP
7 Feature WACO
8 Scores KONO
9 A capella WISM
10 Basie ID KBOX
11 News WZOO
12 Let's Go KIMN
13 Bowling PR
14 Restaurant PR
15 Movie PR
16 Automobile PR
17 Houses PR
18 Buy, Buy PR
19 Vacation WCPO
20 Sun Spot KUDL
21 Place In the Sun WKLO
22 Summertime KISN
22A Summertime (Year Round) WPOP
23 Degrees CHED
23A Degrees (Regular Version) KNOW
24 Cool summer Sounds WKDA
25 You're Sun Set KKJO
26 Sounds of summer (Pre-Record)
27A Song of the City "Had a Ball" WPTR
27B Song of the City "My Home Town" KVLC